Enabling Secure Email in Thunderbird

Before adjusting these settings, please see the TechDesk Article SSL Email Compatibility, as certain Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam products are acknowledged as being incompatible with these settings by their manufacturers.

If Lawyers Online have instructed you to update your settings, and you are affected by the above, please see the TechDesk Article Changing Email Server Settings in Mozilla Thunderbird

  • Right click your account in the left panel
  • Click the 'Settings...' option from the context menu.
  • In the Left-Hand menu, open the section for the appropriate account (if not already open), and select 'Server Settings'.
  • Ensure that the 'Server Name' is set to securecollect.lawyersonline.co.uk.
  • Set 'Connection Security' to 'SSL/TLS' Note, the 'Port' setting will automatically change, this is normal.
  • 'Authentication method' should be left as 'normal password'
  • In the Left-Hand menu, select 'Outgoing Server (SMTP)'.
  • You cannot enter a Password here. Thunderbird will ask for this later.
  • Select the default server.
  • Click 'Edit...'
  • In the Left-Hand menu, select 'Outgoing Server (SMTP)'.
  • Ensure that the 'Server Name' is set to securesend.lawyersonline.co.uk.
  • Set 'Connection Security' to 'SSL/TLS' Note, the 'Port' setting will automatically change, this is normal.
  • 'Authentication method' should be left as 'normal password'
  • Enter your Email account Username into the 'User Name' box.
  • You cannot enter a Password here. Thunderbird will ask for this later.
  • Click 'OK'
  • Perform a 'Get Mail' in the normal manner.
  • The first time you do this after changing the settings, Thunderbird will prompt for a Password.
  • Enter your Email account Password into the 'Password' box.
  • Tick 'Use Password Manager to remember this password'
  • Click 'OK'

After you have followed these steps your computer is enabled to use the Lawyers Online secure email facility.